Instruments / Sale
- buildt in 1981
- height: 108cm, width: 144cm, depth 51cm
- colour: black high gloss
- 88 keys, 3 pedals
- technically restored
- inkl. moderator (felt)
- regulated, voiced and tuned to 440Hz
- price includes transport within Berlin, tuning, guarantee
This piano can be played in my workshop in Berlin Kaulsdorf. Contact me for an appointment.
- buildt in 1970
- height: 108cm, width: 144cm, depth 51cm
- colour: black matt
- 88 keys, 3 pedals
- technically restored
- inkl. moderator (felt)
- regulated, voiced and tuned to 440Hz
- price includes transport within Berlin, tuning, guarantee
This piano can be played in my workshop in Berlin Kaulsdorf. Contact me for an appointment.
- buildt in 1955
- height: 108cm, width: 144cm, depth 51cm
- colour: brown (walnut)
- 88 keys, 3 pedals
- technically restored
- inkl. moderator (felt)
- regulated, voiced and tuned to 440Hz
- price includes transport within Berlin, tuning, guarantee
This piano can be played in my workshop in Berlin Kaulsdorf. Contact me for an appointment.
Delta 185
This Delta 185 parlor grand piano from the German piano maker Sauter impresses with its balanced and sensitive playing style, which enables a wide variety of sound nuances. It has been carefully worked over in the Kaulsdorf piano workshop, regulated and voiced to the finest degree and is tuned to concert pitch a1=440Hz. Come and see for yourself the brilliant sound and inspiring playing of this outstanding instrument!
- Made in Germany
- buildt in 1989
- length 185cm, width 152cm
- color: black high gloss
- 88 keys, 3 pedals (including Sostenuto)
- wide messing weels
- regulated, voiced, tuned to 440Hz
- Silent-System installation is possible (more information here: (
- price includs delivery, tuning and guarantee
The instrument is large enough to fully exploit the tonal advantages of a grand piano over an upright piano and small enough to fit into a normal home. The sound spectrum of the grand piano sets standards and enchants with its voluminous and clear sound. An ideal instrument for chamber music concerts and for refining your personal lifestyle. The Delta 185 model is a highlight of the art of piano making in terms of both sound and construction.
This piano can be played in my workshop in Berlin Kaulsdorf. Contact me for an appointment.
- buildt in 1960
- height: 100cm, width: 142cm, depth 50cm
- colour: brown (walnut)
- 88 keys, 3 pedals
- technically restored
- inkl. moderator (felt)
- regulated, voiced and tuned to 440Hz
- price includes transport within Berlin, tuning, guarantee
This piano can be played in my workshop in Berlin Kaulsdorf. Contact me for an appointment.